MYTHRILDRAGONS84 | WELCOME | LAST UPDATE: 2023-09-23 | don't forget to drink water and stretch !!

MythrilDragons84 - WELCOME!

this is my website! as you can probably tell, much of it is under construction, but i hope you have a good time checking it all out! i know i had a fun time making it. :-]!!

it might not all be there yet, but the rather stylish buttons at the top of the pages should take you to the main attractions i may create. "Welcome" is simply a welcome page- you are here now! "About Me" will have some deeper information.. some things i'm happy with, a sparing amount of personal information, and some hobbies. "Miscellaneous" is just for whatever i want to add here that doesn't fit elsewhere. "Media, Wikis Guides" is going to be a place where i store game or media tutorials/mini wikis, as organizing information like that is a hobby of mine whenever i have nothing else to do with a media i really like. "Artwork" will be for any art i make- this can be drawn, edited, written, whatev i have made or will make. "Guestbook" shall be one of your cool neocities guestbooks.. assuming i remember how to add them, in any case x-p

Site Navigation

look, i know there's only three pages so far, and also two other ways to navigate on this page alone, but i am looking Future Bound. perhaps someday it will be a beautiful oasis with 5000 links